Customer Testimonials

Cooperation kindwei transparent tempered film is very satisfied

Dec 18,2019 

A customer from Guangzhou visited kindwei's tempered film factory. The customer has its own brand. In order to further develop the offline and online markets, I heard that kindwei's transparent tempered film is well-known.

kindwei transparent tempered film

The sales engineer of the Ministry of Foreign Trade gave a detailed introduction to the company's development history and product advantages. After negotiations, the customer was very interested in the tempered film of the iPhone / Huawei / Samsung model and agreed to place an order. And give a high evaluation of the size and strength of our kindwei company, I believe that the future cooperation will be very smooth!

Kindwei is a leading tempered glass screen protector manufacuturer.Founded in 2003,we've been dedicating in optical glass research and development for over 16 years.We are equiped with 102 sets CNC,58 sets polisher,38 set tempering machine,40 sets laminating machine,28 sets ultrasonic cleaning machine in two sites.